Wideblue complete Solid State Optical Respiration Rate Capnometer (SOSORC) project on time and on budget

11 January 2016

Wideblue and partners GSS and CRiL have successfully completed the Innovate UK SOSORC project. This Innovate UK supported project, which started in 2014, aimed to use GSS CO2 sensors in a range of medical devices and prove their effectiveness in a range of clinical applications.

Wideblue, who lead this project, have incorporated updated GSS sensors into standard oxygen masks for measurement of respiration rate and into a new range of small personal battery powered handheld capnometers for a wide variety of possible clinical applications.

The Innovate UK monitoring officer said in the final report: “The project is now complete within the given timeframe. All objectives detailed in the application have been achieved. Additional work has been carried out. The consortium are ready for the clinical trials to commence. They are in a very good position to take the project forward to the next stage. Excellent project, and very well managed technically and administratively”.

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